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The Post Graduate Department of Applied Zoology was started in 1993. The Department offers M.Sc., M.Phil & Ph.D degrees in Applied Zoology & Wildlife and Management. The Department is well equipped with facilities and infrastructure. It is supported by three permanent and six guest faculty members, and four non-teaching staff. Major thrust areas of the research in the Department include Genetics, Developmental Neuroscience, Bio diversity, Aquaculture, Toxicology, & Physiology. M.Sc., students are trained in various aspects of Zoology, namely Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Environmental pollution, Toxicology, Genomics, Proteomics & Bio-diversity. During the past eighteen years of existence, the Department has produced thirty PhDs and twenty M.Phils and published more than two hundred research papers in various peer reviewed journals of India and abroad. Presently Sixteen students are pursuing Ph.D. The two staff members namely Prof. B. B. Hosetti and Dr. Nagaraja have visited United States of America, England and Nepal for higher studies. -
Name of the Department Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Applied Zoology Year of Establishment 1993 Name of the Chairman Address of the Department Department of Post-Graduate Studies & Research in Applied Zoology
Kuvempu University, Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta - 577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA
Telefax: +91(0)8282 256263
E-mail: zoology@kuvempu.ac.in -
Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Area of Specialisation -
Research Projects Sl.No. Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status Research Scholars Sl.No. Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship -
Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency : Title Level Year Funding Agency A two day workshop on ?Aquaculture for Rural Development? Regional Level 2006-07 Un assigned Grants of U.G.C. ?Biotechnology Strategies for biodiversity conservation? National 2008 Kuvempu University & ISCAP ?Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation & Management? National 2010 Kuvempu University Awards/Recognition/Achievements: Prof. B. B. Hosetti: 1 Vijayshree? Award by India International Society, 2005, Delhi. 2 Best paper presentation award by Academy of Environmental Biology (AEB) MP. 3 Post doctoral Award: The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2005, USA. 4 INSA visiting Professor Award, 2009: Visited Tribhuvan University, Katmandu , Nepal. Dr. Nagaraja: 1 Post doctoral fellowship: The University of Texas, USA, 2003-2004. 2 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 2004-2007. Future Expansion/Diversification Plans : The Department is aiming at the establishment of well equipped research laboratories to take up research in thrust areas of the dept, namely Molecular Genetics, Neurobiology, Biodiversity, Aquaculture, Toxicology etc. To train M.Sc., students in modern biological disciplines such as Genomics, Proteomics and Genetic Engineering, Computer laboratory will be established. The curriculum of the department including syllabus would be modified comprehensively. That would help our students better taught and trained.