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Department of Applied Zoology

Dr. Dayananda G YM Sc., M Phil., Ph D.,

Guest Lecturer

Area Of Research

Ornithology, Hydrobiology, Biodiversity


About the Faculty

Short note from the faculty


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Journals Publications

Sl No Authors Title Impact Factor Publisher Year
1 Dayananda G Y Diversity and abundance of wetland birds around Gudavi bird sanctuary, Sorab, Karnataka 0 International Journal of Zoology Studies 2018-01-01
2 Dayananda G Y Diversity of butterfly fauna in and around Gudavi bird sanctuary, Sorab, Karnataka. 0 Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2014-01-01
3 Dayananda G Y Diversity of Wetland dependent birds around the Bhadra Reservoir Project (BRP) area, Karnataka 0 Journal of Research in Biology 2013-01-01
4 Dayananda G Y Studies of Aquatic Macrophytes in Two lentic water bodies at Gudavi Bird Sanctuary, Sorab taluk of Shivamogga district, Karnataka. 0 Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences 2012-01-01
5 Dayananda G Y Avifaunal Diversity of Gudavi Bird Sanctuary, Sorab, Shimoga, Karnataka 0 Our Nature 2009-02-11


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Book Chapters

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Sl.No Authors Title Publisher Year
1 Dayananda G.Y, Nasrath Fathe Ali and Sindhu B S Jois Survey on population density of Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) in different roosting sites in and around Shivamogga, Karnataka. International Journal of Science and Research 2024-02-15
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Sl No Name Title Research Degree
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