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About National Service Scheme

NSS is a National level Social Service Scheme for the college studentvolunteers which started on the auspicious year of Mahatma Gandhiji’s Birth Centenary (1969). The scheme aims at inculcating long cherished values and to introduce the rural India to the youths. Which it’s regular and Special Camping activity, each college is active in imparting co-curricular interests. The University has the strength of 12150 volunteers and they have been applauded by the community and the press for their innovative programmes. NSS with its different units at the college level conducts special camps in various villages. Property worth around Rs.50 lakh is being created every year through special camping activities. With all these programmes, the scheme aims at an overall development of the student’s personality through community service.

NSS Cell of our university has been established in 1987 by the first Vice Chancellor Prof. Shanthinath Desai with a lot of expectation and holistic approach towards the social service of our University’s jurisdiction. In the beginning, Founder Co-ordinator of the University was Sri. A. S. Chandrashekhar, succeeding him Sri G.H.Mavinakurve was full time Co-Ordinator, then onwards totally 09 Co-Ordinators have given their own contribution to the growth and development of the cell. The main motto and aim of the cell is to develop the personality through education including social services.

NSS cell of our university has been regularly conducting University level workshops to NSS Volunteers, seminars, awareness campaigns, intellectual discussions, award ceremonies, regular meetings for NSS programme officers and volunteers. Every year it conducts district level, university level and national level camps. It is a matter of pride on our part to state that several innovative programmes were conducted during the year 2021-22. NSS has 109 Units 69 colleges with a total strength of 12150 volunteers. The NSS Units has 11,000 volunteers allocation for the year 2021-22 and it has been enrolled 12150 volunteers, out of the 12,150 volunteers, 5210 were male 6940 were female volunteers. 1677 Belonged to schedule caste and 710 schedule tribes, 7422 were other backward classes 2341 general.

It has done a commendable job in the history of NSS by creating valuable assets and construction activities and got numerous awards for the University specially our university hassecured State and National Level awards. As far as our NSS staff is concerned they are serving the yeomen with pride and they work hard for the growth and development of the National Service Scheme and sending the periodical reports in time to the higher authorities.

Since the beginning it has shaped numerous active officers who have rendered their valuable service as a officer in the respective colleges. To quote the awards like National level, state level, University level awards have made the forthcoming officers as inspiring and motivating to work with zeal and enthusiasm. Our volunteers frequently take university and state level awards every year.

2014-15 is the Golden period for Kuvempu University because our University has got Indira Gandhi NSS National (Appreciation) Award conferred by his Excellency Sri Pranav Mukarji President of India at Rastrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi.

Allocation And Actual Enrolment Of NSS Volunteers

Year Allocation Actual Enrolment Allocation Actual Enrolment
2013-2014 10000 10482 5000 5047
2014-2015 10000 10933 5000 5073
2015-2016 11000 11129 5500 5630
2016-2017 11000 11343 5500 4480
2017-2018 11000 11648 5500 5222
2018-2019 11000 11887 5500 4675
2019-2020 11000 11840 5500 4288
2020-2021 11000 11950 5500 4580
2021-2022 11000 12150 5500 4500
Year Saplings Planted Blood donation No of AIDS Awareness Pulse polio Cost of Assets created
2013-14 8600 2050 units 35 prog. 2900 37,71,500
2014-15 8750 2730 units 39 prog. 2950 39,12,000
2015-16 8950 2980 units 37 prog. 2250 48,17,300
2016-17 8995 3100 Units 43 prog. 2290 44,22,500
2017-18 9150 1971 Units 48 prog. 2310 46,91,000
2018-19 14672 1754 Units 51 Prog. 1800 49,11,300
2019-20 13655 3978 Units 52 Prog. 1950 50,20,250
2020-21 10500 3760 Units 44 porg. 2150 31,40,000
2021-22 11300 4150 Units 56 prog. 2100 52,00,500


  • 250 mtrs of compound wall to Sahyadri college campus.
  • Construction of 150 mtrs of compound wall to Sri JCBM college, Sringeri
  • 1200 feet of fencing to the boys hostel including the temple premises
  • 1000 of saplings were planted college campus and public places every year.
  • Construction of one acre parents park, pipe line for this sprinkler materials were provide by school authority at Murarji Desai Residencial School, HakkaliShiralakoppa
  • One play ground was constructed at district level camp at Churchigundi village and Construction of 08 kms new mud road
  • Frequently conducts training programmes for the programme officers & student volunteers
  • In covid 19 period our volunteers and officers were actively participated in social service activities. Ex: Free food distribution, Free medicine distribution, free vaccination, free booster dos awearness jatha conducted and helping with health and police department etc.,
    ( Every year we conduct these types of programmes )

Awards Received by Kuvempu University NSS Cell

Best University State Award – 03 (1998, 2005, 2014)
Best Co-ordinator, NSS Award – 03 (1998, 2005, 2014)
Best NSS Unit State Award – (10) (2017, 2018, 2019,2020,2021)
Best NSS Officer State Award – (10) (2017, 2018, 2019,2020,2021)
Best Volunteers State Award – (15) (2017, 2018, 2019,2020,2021)

Kuvempu University bagged Best NSS co-ordinator state award for the year 2013-14 and Best co-ordinator in the Indira Gandhi NSS National Award (Appreciation Certificate) -2014-15

National and State Participation

 Last five years 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
National Level Camps : 259 Volunteers 76 35 89 21 38
National RD parade : 06 Volunteers 01 01 02 02 00
State Level camps : 173 Volunteers 55 40 49 15 14
State RD parade : 27 Volunteers 06 06 06 04 05
Pre- R D parade : 113 Volunteers 30 30 20 15 18

The Motto


The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is :‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.

Aims of NSSProgrammes / Activities


The operational aim of NSS is to integrate the three basic components of the programme.NSS programme should provide a variety of learning experiences which must develop asense of participation, service and achievement among the volunteers. The activitiesshould aim at the following:-
(i) making education more relevant to the present situation to meet the felt needs of the community and supplement the education of the university/college students by bringing them face to face with the rural situation;
(ii) Providing opportunities to the students to play their role in planning and executing development projects which would not only help in creating durable community assets in rural areas and urban slums but also results in the improvement of quality of life of the economically and socially weaker sections of the community;
(iii) Encouraging students and non-students to work together along with the adults in rural areas;
(iv) Developing qualities of leadership by discovering the latent potential among the campers, both students as well as local youth (Rural and Urban), with a view to involve them more intimately in the development programme and also to ensureproper maintenance of the assets created during the camps;
(v) Emphasizing dignity of labour and self- help and the need for combining physical work with intellectual pursuits;
(vi) Encouraging youth to participate enthusiastically in the process of national development and promote national integration, through corporate living and cooperative action. While undertaking these activities, each NSS unit should envisage its programmes/activities aimed at instilling discipline, building character, promotion of physical fitness and development of culture.