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Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board

  • There shall be a Planning monitoring and Evaluation Board to plan the
    • Academic courses:- Elective, new courses etc.
    • Research Programmes
    • Interdisciplinary activities - like MOU's etc.
    • Interaction with outside agencies for training extension and research
    • Monitoring from time to time the implementation of the programme and activities formulated
    • Student Feedback
  • The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall consist of the following members, namely
    • a.The Vice-chancellor, who shall be the chairman
    • b. The Registrar
    • c. The Registrar ( Evaluation)
    • d. Two senior most Deans of the Faculties by rotation for a period of one year as recommended by the vice-chancellor
    • e. Two senior most Professors of whom one shall be from Science and Technology and the other from Humanities and Social Sciences nominated by the Vice-chancellor, for a term of two years
    • f. One expert who is an educationist with rich experience of teaching and Research and educational administration nominated by the State Government for a term of two years
    • g. One officer of the State Government in the Planning Department not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary or a Joint Director of Planning, nominated by the State Government
    • h. Two representatives from industry and Trade ordinarily residing with the University area nominated by the State Government for a term of two years
  • The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall meet at least once in three months. Every resolution of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall be placed before the Academic Council and Syndicate for consideration and taking action thereon.

As per Section 35(2) of the Karnataka State Universities Act, 2000, Kuvempu University re-constituted the Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Board with effect from November 02, 2018 with the following members :

  Name Designation  
section 35(2)(A) Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Chairman
section 35(2)(B) Registrar Registrar Member
section 35(2)(C) The Registrar (Evaluation) The Registrar (Evaluation) Member
section 35(2)(D) Prof. Jagannath K. Dange Faculty of Education Member
section 35(2)(D) Prof. Hiremani Naik R Faculty of Commerce Member
section 35(2)(E) Prof. S.V. Krishnamurthy Department Of PG Studies And Research In Environmental Science Member
section 35(2)(E) Prof. Yogish S. N. Department Of PG Studies And Research In Economics Member
section 35(2)(F) - - Member
section 35(2)(G) - - Member
section 35(h) - - Member
- - Member
  Prof. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Director, PME Board Convenor

The services of one Deputy Director, two Assistant Directors, one First Division Assistant, one Second Division Assistant and one Attender are provided to the PME Board.

The PME Board of the University has been taking steps, in consultation with the Academic departments and the administration, regarding academic courses, research programmes, interdisciplinary activities, interaction with the outside agencies for training, extension, and research and to monitor the implementation and evaluation of the programmes and activities undertaken.


Workshops/Orientation Programmes Organised by PME Board

Sl.No. Programme Title Date
01 University Profile/Broucher: In order to provide a comprehensive image of the University for outsiders and stake holders, PMEB complied a broucher providing information on all departments, administrative and supporting wings of the University. 11-01-2012
02 Student Feedback: Student feedback from the out-going students was collected in a University. 12-04-2012
03 University Data Centre: As per the suggestion of Hon‘ble Vice-Chancellor.PMEB has started developing a data repository in PMEB office. The main intention of the activities is to maintain central repository of data (Circular, notices, orders, brouchers etc.)Of all the departments and different sections of the university. In this process everyday PMEB is receiving 5-6 letters/orders and are scanned and stored in a system and Using KOHA, a digital repository is being developed. Till date more than 140 letters are received and stored in PMEB repository. Using this repository it is also planned to provide access of all these information to Higher authorities of the University by using Greenstone digital library software with LAN facility. 
04 Vision Document: As per the UGC and KSHEC each university should have vision document clearly spelling out the result of SWOT analysis and future plans. In this direction, with the permission of Hon‘ble Vice-Chancellor, PMEB has collected the vision documents from each Department and data are being processed. 08-02-2012
05 Compilation of XII Plan Proposal: As a joint venture of PMEB, IQAC and D & P, the 12th plan proposal was developed and submitted to UGC through University. In this process the Directors of these three Units visited each department of studies and discussed the various issues related to 12th Plan proposal, vision Documents and AAA requirements. 12-04-2012
06 Fulbright Nehru Fellowship workshop - Smt. Lalitha Nageshwari 06-02-2013
07 Food Science and Technology Course regarding workshop 06-02-2014
08 One day seminar on "Administrative Reforms in Universities" (Non-teaching staff - superintendent‘s & above) 16-05-2015
09 Two days Seminar on "Women Empowerment" held on 06-08-2015 to 07-08-2015 06-08-2015 & 07-08-2015
10 Workshop on Smart city 30-11-2015
11 Two days seminar on ‘ICT Initiative‘ (Non-teaching staff - Superintendents & ‘C‘ Group Employees) 21-04-2016 TO 22-04-2016
12 Self Appraisal Report: PMEB prepared a format for Self Appraisal Report of the teaching faculty, later duly filled SAR were collected from each faculty and got evaluated from the experts. (Total SAR=114) 2015-16,2016-17 & 2017-18 to collected from each faculty of the University 2015 - 2018