Knowledge Convention  | RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |
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Examination Process

  • System generated unique Student Id/Register Number.
  • Online Examination fee remittance to University account.
  • Downloading / printing of examination application form Time table and Hall Ticket.
  • Online entry of Internal Assessment marks and Practical / Viva-Voce marks.
  • Online Invigilator dairy uploading on the day of examination.
  • Answer book dispatch details uploaded on the day of examination.
  • Viewing results on internet and downloading the marks statement.
  • Challenge valuation/Re-totaling /Photo-copy of answer books.
  • Introduced Barcoded answer book. Multiple bar codes for different valuation as well as Student identification.
  • Eliminated additional answer book/sheet.
  • Each answer book packet is tracked for activities such as date of creation, valuation, etc.
  • After valuation, the marks will be entered in front of examiners. Checked and certified by the examiners themselves.

Fast Processing of Results

  • Results made available to the students through internet and SMS immediately after the declaration of result.
  • Speed processing of Photocopying, Re-totaling and Revaluation process.


  • Students can apply RV/RT/Photocopy through online immediately after announcement of Result on web.
  • Fee payment is made through various modes such as Bank, Post-office, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.