RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | NAAC 4th Cycle-SSR 2024  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |

CDC - Functions, duties and responsibilities

College Development Council is a vital link between the UGC, Univeristy, College and the State Education Department.

  • It functions as a policy making body in regard to proper planning for integral development of Colleges.
  • Conducts survey of colleges and preparation of their profiles.
  • Prepares the perspective plan for the opening of new Colleges and its development.
  • Advises the University on all matters relating to development of affiliated colleges, such as availability of adequate infrastructure facilities (Academic and Physical), standard of learning, teaching and research and periodic evaluations of the colleges.
  • Keeps close contact with the Colleges with a view to helping them in their proper selection and approval of appointment of teachers, students amenities, proper utilization of grant and efficient implementation of UGC 's approved projects and norms.
  • Assesses the impact of UGC policies and grants sanctioned to the Colleges.
  • Reviews the inspection report of the colleges and suggest remedies for the deficiencies and irregularities reported.

CDC's other functions include:

  • Granting affiliation to colleges.
  • Granting Autonomy to colleges.
  • Recognition of Colleges with potential for Excellence (CPE).
  • Encouraging colleges in their assessment and accreditation by NAAC.
  • Approving the appointment of teachers & Principals of private colleges.
  • Collecting and maintaining statistics pertaining to colleges and Courses.
  • Assisting colleges in getting UGC grants and FIP's.
  • Promoting Vocational and Job Oriented Courses in colleges.
  • Assisting colleges in all Academic, administrative and infrastructural development.