Department of PG Studies and Research in Physical Education
The department was started during 2002-03 (Master of Physical Education Degree Programme) with an objective of generating competent professional teachers with an aim to meet the challenges in the field of Physical Education and Sports. Postgraduate physical education degree programme (Bachelor of Physical Educartion) was started in the year 2003-04 with an intention of providing education to high school physical education teacher enthusiasts. Additionally the department is coordinating for PG Diploma in Sports Management offered by DDE wing of Kuvempu University. The research programmes like Ph. D. and M. Phil are also offered for the qualified physical education professionals.
Digital and Communication Electronics programme intends to generate skilled professionals with thorough knowledge in the basic The department is well equipped with instructional and infrastructure facilities for effective curricular transactions. The staffs (Five plus guest faculty and six supportive staff) are well equipped with required qualification and consistently participating in faculty improvement programmes. The staffs are also provided computers with Internet facilities so that effective teaching and learning takes place. Three permanent staff have completed Doctoral Studies and indulged in research activities.
International standard indoors sports complex and an upcoming 400 mts. Standard track are the landmarks of the department?s growth. Playing facilities for Football, Hockey, Tennis, Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Handball, etc. give room for leisure time pursuits of campus students and also aid for practical programmes of the department. Planning to enhance the facilities in terms of laboratory and play fields to the requirement of NCTE the governing body, which had given recognition for our courses, offered.
Four recognized research supervisors currently guiding eight research scholars for Ph. D. degree programme and helping seven M. Phil students. The department is also planning for taking up research projects, crash courses, certificate courses, diplomas to extend their academic growth. The Alumni and physical education associations of the department are special features to meet the student aspirants.
Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B.
Year of Establishment
Department of PG Studies & Research in Physical EducationKuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA 08282-256301-306 08282-256255
Teaching Faculty of Physical Education in Kuvempu University
Research Project of Physical Education in Kuvempu University
Sl No | Title | Funding Agency | Principal Investigator | Co-Investigator | Amount | Status |
1 | Comparison of Selected Anthropometrical Psychological and Physiological Variables among Inter Varsity Medalists in Kho-kho | Kuvempu University | Gajanana Prabhu B | Prakash S M | 22999 | Completed |
1 | Exploration of Physiological and Psychological Profiles of indigenous games | Kuvempu university | Dr.Ravindra Gouda S.M | Dr. N.D.Virupaksha | 1 | completed |
1 | Exploration of Physiological and Psychological Profiles of indigenous games | Kuvempu university | Dr.Ravindra Gouda S.M | Dr. N.D.Virupaksha | 1 | completed |
Sl No | Faculty | Name of the Supervisor | Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID | Mode of Ph.D. | Registration Number | Date of Registration | Research Topic | Likely date of completion of Ph.D | Availing Fellowship | Funding Agency of Fellowship |
1 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Mr. Gangadhara Magalda 632254859670 | Part Time | 142 | 2023-11-08 | Effect of bowling line, length and speed of fast bowlers: An analysis of biomechanical variable changes | 2027-12-08 | NO | None |
2 | Education | Dr. Virupaksha N.D. | Sri. Sudheer Rao K 545143498407 | Part Time | 168 | 2014-06-18 | construction of physical fitness test battery for higher primary and high school students of karnataka state | 2018-06-18 | NO | no |
3 | Education | Dr. Virupaksha N.D. | Sri.Ramachandra H D 561721255418 | Part Time | 297 | 2016-02-03 | Effect of yogasanas on the selected motor performance and physiological variables of rashtriya Sanskrit sansthan students | 2019-02-03 | NO | no |
4 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Dileep Kumar S C 685269904752 | Part Time | 297 | 2023-11-08 | Impact of ultimate KhoKho tournament on physical fitness variables, socioeconomic status and skill performance of kho-kho players. | 2027-09-11 | YES | None |
5 | Education | Dr. Virupaksha N.D. | Sujan G B 561297716961 | Part Time | 396 | 2017-09-11 | course work going on | 2020-09-11 | NO | no |
6 | Education | Dr. Virupaksha N.D. | Vileep K S 590547809958 | Part Time | 397 | 2017-09-11 | course work going on | 2020-06-11 | NO | no |
7 | Education | Dr. Ravindra Gouda S.M | Mr. Sampath kumar C | Part Time | 471 | 2019-01-25 | Prediction of badminton playing ability from selected physical, physiological and psychological variables | 2023-08-07 | NO | NO |
8 | Education | Dr. Ravindra Gouda S.M | Mr. Shankaramurthy | Part Time | 472 | 2019-01-25 | A study on factors influencing sports participation among high school students of Karnataka state | 2023-06-25 | NO | NO |
9 | Education | Dr. Ravindra Gouda S.M | Mr. Sanjeev kumara, K S 792468799177 | Full Time | 473 | 2019-02-21 | Exploring the selected anthropometric measurements, physiological and bio motor variables of combat sports | 2022-12-31 | YES | NFST |
10 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Kiran Kumar N Y 438701943526 | Part Time | 543 | 2020-09-07 | A STUDY ON EFFECTS OF PRE AND POST PERFORMANCE SPORTS MASSAGE ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES OF COMPETITIVE RUNNERS | 2024-09-08 | NO | none |
11 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Sunil Ankolekar 528883450380 | Part Time | 546 | 2020-09-07 | EXAMINING EFFECTIVENESS OF WATER BASED ADVENTURE SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IN KARNATAKA | 2023-09-08 | NO | none |
12 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Vasanthnaik P 433095884334 | Full Time | 821 | 2021-09-06 | Effect of visual training on skill parameters, peripheral vision and balance ability of volleyball players | 2025-09-06 | YES | Kuvempu University |
13 | Education | Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. | Sreenivasa Prabhu Balappa Kusugal 792468799177 | Part Time | 822 | 2021-06-09 | A case study on Greco-Roman Wrestler Arjun Halakurki | 2026-07-09 | YES | None |