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Department of PG Studies and Research in English

The department has evolved a distinctive academic profile through innovative updating of the syllabus, materials design, audio-visual participatory teaching methods and its ambience of openness to new ideas and to social issues. It now offers very updated courses in cultural studies, film theory, gender-studies, post-colonial theories and the new literatures in English. It has made a significant departure from the conventional English literature courses to inter disciplinary courses of contemporary relevance. By establishing a language laboratory (the biggest of its kind in the state) and by designing short term intensive skill - based learning programmes, it has now become the centre for English language and communication, providing training to all the Post-graduate students on the campus. About fourteen research scholars are working under the supervision of the teachers of the department. About nine research scholars are working under the supervision of qualified guides working as teachers in the affiliated colleges. The department is also actively involved in contemporary socio-political debates.

Programms Offered

Sl No Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
1 M.A CBCS - Semester Scheme (4 Semesters) Bachelors degree with English as an optional subjects, candidates who have studied in English as only a language subject at the bachelor degree course are also eligible provided they have secured minimum of 55% aggregate (in case of G.M. and other categories) or 45% aggregate (in case of SC/ST catagories).
2 Ph.D Three Years Minimum Masters Degree in English


Dr. Rama prasad B.V

Year of Establishment



Department of PG Studies & Research in English
Kuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA

Teaching Faculty of English in Kuvempu University

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    Dr. Rachel Bari SENIOR PROFESSOR

    Qualification:M.A., Ph.D.,,
    Area of Specialisation: Gender Studies, South Asian Literature, American Literature, Indian Writing in English

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    Dr. Namratha M Professor

    Qualification:M.A., Ph.D.,,
    Area of Specialisation: Cultural Studies, Gander Studies

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    Dr. Rama prasad B.V Professor

    Qualification:M.A., Ph.D.,,
    Area of Specialisation: Linguistics Discourse Analysis

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    Dr. Nagya Naik.B.H. Professor

    Area of Specialisation: British Literature,Commonwealth Literature, Literary Theory.

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    Dr. Dattatreya M Associate Professor

    Qualification: MA , Ph.D,
    Area of Specialisation: Cultural Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Marginal Literature, Popular culture and Literature, Film Studies

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    Qualification:M.A., M.Phil.,,
    Area of Specialisation:

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    Ms. Tabassum Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation: Please Provide

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    Mr. Manjunatha G P Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.A., NET and KSET,
    Area of Specialisation: Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, Modernity and Modernism, and English Communication Teaching.

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    Dr. PREM KUMAR G Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M A, KSET, PhD.,
    Area of Specialisation: Afro-European Literature, Black British Literature, Post-Colonial Literature, Dalit Literature, ELT.

Research Project of English in Kuvempu University

Sl No Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
Sl No Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
1 Arts Dr. Dattatreya M Mohammed Najeeb M Part Time 417 2018-01-04 Childhood in Conflict Zones: A Study of Traumatized Children in the Novels of Khaled Hosseini and Naguib Mehfouz 2024-12-30 NO nil
Title Level Year Funding Agency