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Department of PG Studies and Research in Urdu

The department of P G Studies and Research in Urdu was established in December 1993.Teaching and research work is the main objective of this department. More than 17 students of this department have already passed NET and SLET examinations. The department has installed four gold medals: one for higher marks secured in MA previous, one for Persian, one for Arabic and one for over all highest percentage of both Previous and Final M A. There is a departmental library maintained by the department. About 1200 books and about 200 reputed journals and magazines are available. Students benefite from these books in all through the year. Students of PG and research scholars are allowed to make use of these books from the beginning of the year till the end of the examination. Department is regularly conducting multi lingual mushairas ( poets meets) every year. Coaching classes are also conducted to the students of competitive examinations like KAS, KES, IAS, NET, SLET etc in Urdu.

Programms Offered

Sl No Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
1 M.A Regular - 2 Years Any degree with 40% of marks in Urdu language or Urdu optional (Aggregate of 2years for Urdu language and 3 years for Urdu optional ). 20+4
2 Ph.D 3 Years MA degree with 55% of marks in Urdu. 10


Prof. Syed Sanaulla

Year of Establishment



Department of PG Studies & Research in Urdu
Kuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA

Teaching Faculty of Urdu in Kuvempu University

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    Prof. Syed Sanaulla Professor

    Area of Specialisation: Urdu Interview Nigari fun aur Rivayath

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    Dr. Mohammed Arifulla Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

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    Dr. Asma Kouser Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

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    Dr. Nafees Fathima A H Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

Research Project of Urdu in Kuvempu University

Sl No Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
Sl No Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
1 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Yunus Nadaf 494321557998 Part Time 39 2022-07-13 Karnataka Mein Urdu Inshayea Nigari Ka pachaas Saala Safar (1960 to 2010) 2026-07-13 NO No
2 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Shirin Banu Hirekumbi 907829056121 Part Time 40 2022-07-13 Azadi Ke Bad Urdu Ki Siyasi Shairi Ka 2026-07-13 YES No
3 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Ayesha Salma 685011575929 Part Time 41 2022-07-13 Karnatak Ke Muntakhab Khawateen Urdu Afsana Nigaron Ke Afsano Ka Tanqeedi Jayiza 2022-07-13 YES No
4 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Abdul Hafiz 3448 4973 9950 Full Time 817 2021-08-31 Junoobi Hind Ke Muntakhab Urdu Safarnama Nigar 2025-08-31 NO No
5 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Abdul Fatha 204904053662 Full Time 818 2021-08-31 Hafiz Karnataki: Zakir Fikr Aur Fan 2025-08-31 NO No
6 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Umme Salma 745658681937 Part Time 819 2021-08-31 Jawaid Danish Ke Mehjari Adab Ka Tanqeedi-O-Tajziyati Mutaala 2025-08-31 NO No
7 Arts Prof. Syed Sanaulla Abid Salma 8516 3067 0856 Part Time 820 2021-08-31 Muzaffar Hanafi: Hayath Aur Adabi Khidmat 2021-08-31 NO No

Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency :

Title Level Year Funding Agency
Adab Ki Tadrees Degree Ki Sateh Per National 2004 Kuvempu University and Karnataka Urdu Academy
Urdu Ghazal Rujhanat-o-Imkanaat National 2005 Distance Education Council, Kuvempu University
Urdu Learning State 2011 Anjuman-etarraqui Urdu Hind, Shimoga
Urdu Tahqeeq Muharrikat ?o-Imkanat National 2011 Karnataka Urdu Acadamy Bangalore
National Integration on Urdu Poetry of South India National 2016 Kuvempu University and Karnataka Urdu Acadamy Bangalore
Prospectus of Promotion and Developmrnt of Urdu in Present Scenario National 2017 Kuvempu University and Karnataka Urdu Acadamy Bangalore

Awards / Recognition / Achievements of Faculty:


Dr. Syed Sha Madar

01 Pasban Golden Jubli Literary award Bangalore 1998
02 Literary awareness award Anjuman-e-Adabe Atfal Karnataka Bangalore 2005
03 Rashtriya Gurau Award Delhi 2005
04 Karnataka Urdu Acadamy award for ?Nala-e-Neem Shab 2007
05 Best Poetry Award for Nala-e-Neem Shab ( Collection of Ghazals) Karnataka Urdu Acadamy 2007
    06 Prathibha Puruskara Award For Overall Research and Teaching Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta 2010

Prof. C. Syed Khaleel Ahmed

01 Mussavir-e-Malnad, Urdu Literary Association, Chikamaglur, 1996.
02 Mohsin-e-Malnad, South India Urdu Academy, Hassan, 1997.
03 Pasban Golden Jublee Award, Pasban Publications, Bangalore, 1998.

Future Expansions/Diversification Plans :


Planning to establish Urdu Literary and Cultural Museum

Placements :


Two students are working as Tahasildars. Majority of our students are placed in the colleges and high schools as lecturers and teachers

Achievements of the alumni :


- Contributed the books to the Departmental Library worth about Rs 14,000/-
- 13 students have passed NET and SLET.