RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | NAAC 4th Cycle-SSR 2024  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |


The e-Shodhsindhu programme (formerly UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium) is a joint venture undertaken by the UGC and INFLIBNET Centre to promote electronic information resource sharing activity among major university libraries in the country. The Kuvempu University has signed MoU for UGC-Infonet Programme with UGC-INFLIBNET on 16-12-2002. This service was started with 128/256 Kbps Broadband VSAT physical internet connection established by ERNET-India, New Delhi then it was upgraded to 256 kbps. But during 2007-08 to make effective usage of e-resources the UGC upgraded the speed of internet from 256 kbps to 2 MB leased line. Further, it was upgraded to 1 Gbps leased line under NMEICT/NKN programme during 2010-11. The Electronic resource distribution is being made by INFLIBNET Centre to the Universities under consortia scheme.

Under the program the University Library is providing e-journals service to its users through different approach viz., Alphabetic-wise, Subject-wise and Publisher-wise.

Usage of e-Resources listed below are IP Address authenticated and can be accessed on the campus wide network.

Publisher-wise e-resources Alphabetic-wise Index
Subject-wise Index



American Chemical Society 49 full text journals with  Archival Access
American Institute of Physics  19 full text journals including AIP Society Package
Annual Reviews 43 full text journals with  Archival Access
Economic and Political Weekly Scholarly Journal of Economics and Political Science
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development(ISID) One Database
JCCC-UGC-Infonet-Gateway Gateway Portal - 7900+ full text journals
JSTOR 3165 Scholarly Journals with  Archival Collections
MathsciNet One Database
Nature 1 full text journal with Archival Access
Oxford University Press 262 full text journals with  Archival Access
Springer Link 1438 full text journals  on different disciplines
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 14 full text journals
Taylor & Francis  1079 Scholarly Journals on different disciplines
Web of Science

Citation database with multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 high-impact
journals on different disciplines

World e-Book Library (WeL) World e-Book Library (WeL): The World e-Book Library including 3 million (30,00,000) primary sources spanning past 1,000 years of world history in more than 320 different languages. In addition, contemporary journal collections of WeL include scholarly journals and academic articles from every academic field.
South Asia Archive (SAA) South Asia Archive (SAA): South Asia Archive contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the period of 18th and mid-20th century from documents across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.