RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | NAAC 4th Cycle-SSR 2024  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |

Library Publications

Kannada Pustakagala Vargeekarana Kaipidi

International Classification Scheme (DDC) will not support root level classification of collection of local languages like Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and other Indian languages. Because each region, locality having their own culture and creeds. The collection or sources of this type should be in a systematic order through proper classification for the benefit of the users depending upon source types. In this direction this publication helps in effective classification of collections of Kannada Language books. For this purpose the Kuvempu University Library has prepared and published this publication with regular updation based on necessary additions and changes wherever required for systematic and effective classification of Kannada books collections.

Latest Additions of Books

The Latest Additions publication is the quarterly list of the new books added to the University Library. The entries in the text are arranged in Classified Subject order. The Author index of the text is appended at the end.The entry consists of Author, Title, Edition statement, Place of Publication, Name of the Publisher, Year of Publication, Physical Descriptions, Series Name and Number, ISBN Number, Call Number, and Accession Number of the book. This publication would be of immense help to the Faculty Members, Research Scholars, Students and also others who wish to keep aware of incoming books to the University Library.

Catalogue of serials

The publication entitled "Catalogue of Serials" is the frequently revised and updated catalogue of periodicals of Kuvempu University Library. Main objective of this catalogue is to provide up-to-date information to the users on the periodicals resources in the Kuvempu University Library. This periodicals holdings list provides information about each periodical title, periodicity, continuity of the periodical, incomplete volumes, missing issues etc. The entries arranged in the alphabetical sequence of the title. The users will find this catalouge helpful in using the periodical resources available at Kuvempu University Library to meet their information needs. This list is also made available on Internet through INFLIBNET Union Catalogue at www.inflibnet.ac.in for effective resource sharing.