RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | NAAC 4th Cycle-SSR 2024  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |

The University Library provides the following services

Library Hours

Usually the Library remains open from 9 AM to 9 PM on all working days whereas it functions from 9 AM to 2 P.M. on second Saturdays and Sundays. However, there will be changes in the schedule depending upon the need.

Open Access

The greatest advantage that a Library can offer to its readers is its open access or open shelf system. This system enables the users to have direct and easy access to the book collection providing good opportunity and freedom to examine and browse the books. It encourages the users to develop a closer acquaintance with the diversity of information sources available in the Library. Keeping this in mind, the Library is practicing Open Access System.

Circulation of Books

The users are eligible to borrow books against identity card/borrower's ticket for a period of 15 days. The books kept in reference section and the periodicals normally will not be issued. However under certain conditions the reference textbooks are issued to the faculty for overnight reference and return. Those who fail to return/renew the books within a specified due date will be levied an overdue charge of Rs. One per book per day.

Book Display

Books newly acquired, books on special occasions and books on and by Kuvempu are displayed in the library.

New Arrivals

Some selected titles of new books acquired by the Library are displayed in 'New Arrivals' racks for the benefit of users. These books will be on display for at least one week and after that they will be made available to borrow.

Special Occasions

Books on special occasions such as Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanthi, Dr. B.R.Amedkar Jayanthi etc., are selected and displayed in the library.

Kuvempu Books

The books written by and on Kuvempu are displayed in the Library.

Inter-library Loan

It is not possible for any institution, however rich its resources, to buy all the books published even in a discipline. Hence, it is inevitable to depend on other organisations to share information sources for the mutual benefit of users. Books not available in Kuvempu University Library but required by faculty members and research scholars will be procured from other university libraries on inter-Library loan. The INFLIBNET's database on Internet is used for the location of the university library where the book in demand is available.

Newspaper Clipping Service

Newspaper clipping service is one of the most important service in a Library. This service is one of the most important service in a Library. The press clipping means the screening, scanning/cutting of news items etc., daily from newspapers in an organisation and sending them via e-mail to officials, decision-makers, teachers etc., who will find them useful. Kuvempu University Library has also undertaken such service. Library staff will browse the Leading National Newspapers and scan the news items in relation to the higher education are scanned and clipped in the form of pdf files. These files are sent to the University officers, teachers regularly and to other administrative staff of the University on demand, and finally these are uploaded in institutional repository of Kuvempu University(kuls-ir.kuvempu.ac.in).

Reference Service

Reference service means "Process of establishing contact between a user and his requirements in a personal way". It is a personal service, which involves various activities, aimed at making information available to the users as easily as possible. Kuvempu University Library is having a sound reference source collection. Professional staff of the library make use of these resources as well as those resources available outside the Library. Either our staff may give the information which is required by the users or they guide them to browse the documents which contain the required information, depending upon their requirements.

Ready Reference Service and Long Range Reference Service

In ready reference service Library staff will answer the users queries with the help of dictionaries, encyclopaedias, yearbooks, etc., which are more or less fact-finding questions. On the other hand Library staff also undertake long range service for the benefit of the users community. In this service, Library will offer the users the list of books on a given subject on demand.

Xerox / Reprographic Service

The Library provides reprographic service to the users on priced basis within the Library primessis. This saves the time of the users to a great extent.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility has been provided for the benefit of the users to access databases of books, theses, dissertations and serials of our university collection. Proper training is also provided to the students, about the use of OPAC system, in the begining of the academic year.

Institutional Repository (kuls-ir.kuvempu.ac.in)

With the financial assistance extended by the UGC under Inflibnet's Shodhganga project the University Library has established its own ETD Lab and created an Institutional Repository (kuls-ir.kuvempu.ac.in). This Repository contains databases of theses, dissertations, newspaper clipping service. Further, the library intends to include research articles of staff of the University, reports and other scholarly contents in the Repository.