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Department of PG Studies and Research in Applied Geology

The Department of PG Studies and Research in Applied Geology was established in the Year 1993 to offer PG courses and to undertake research in the field of Earth Sciences. The Department has grown over the years with the financial aid and administrative support from the university and other funding agencies. So far, the department has received about 120 lakhs from the external funding agencies under various schemes. Nearly, 80.00 lakhs from University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under innovative program for full time M.Sc., course in Earth Science and Resource Management and in emerging areas, and SAP-DRS program to under take research and training in Water Resource Management studies. In addition, the Department and Science and Technology, New Delhi has granted Rs.40.00 lakhs under FIST program to develop infrastructural facilities including library. The Department has trained/experienced and committed regular teaching faculty besides, visiting faculty from premier institutions and professional organizations, who are experts in various fields of study. The laboratories are equipped with sophisticated instruments (viz., Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and Reflected/transmitted light microscopes) and state of art Soft wares for Geo-spatial data analysis (ArcGIS, MapInfo, Geomatica and multiple licenses of ERDAS Imagine with Photogrammetry suite) with high-end servers and PCs, and the most modern field equipments (viz., Total station, GPS and Aqua meter)


Programms Offered

Sl No Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
1 M.Sc. Degree in Earth Science & Resource Management (ESRM) (UGC-Innovative Program)
Scheme: CBCS
2 Years (Four Semesters)
Bachelors Degree in Science (B.Sc.), Engineering (B.E) and Agricultural Science (B.Sc. AG) 32
2 M.Sc. Degree in Remote Sensing Applications (MRSA) (Self-Financing Course)
Scheme: CBCS
2 Years (Four Semesters)
Bachelors Degree in Science (B.Sc.), Engineering (B.E) and Agricultural Science (B.Sc. AG) 28
3 Ph.D. Degree in Earth Science & Resource Management Min. 3 Years & Max. 5 years
PG Degree in Science (M.Sc.), Engineering (ME/M.Tech) and Agricultural Science (M.Sc. AG)
4 Ph.D. Degree in Geoinformatics Min. 3 Years & Max. 5 years
PG Degree in Science (M.Sc.), Engineering (ME/M.Tech) and Agricultural Science (M.Sc. AG)


Dr. Govindaraju

Year of Establishment



Department of PG Studies & Research in Applied Geology
Kuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA

Teaching Faculty of Applied Geology in Kuvempu University

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    Dr. Syed Ashfaq Ahmed SENIOR PROFESSOR

    Qualification:M.Sc., Ph.D,
    Area of Specialisation: Remote Sensing Applications, Image Processing

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    Dr. Govindaraju Professor

    Qualification:M.Sc., Ph.D,
    Area of Specialisation: Petrology, Remote Sensing Applications and disaster Management

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    Dr. Vishwanath R Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation: Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Ore Geology

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    Dr. HARISHNAIKA N Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M,Sc. Ph.D., KSET.,
    Area of Specialisation: Meteorology ,Oceanography, Digital Image Processing, Water Resource , Atmospheric Sciences,Remote sensing and GIS

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    Mr. Mohammed Salim S Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc. KSET, (Pursuing Ph.D.),
    Area of Specialisation: Water Resource development and management, Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geomorphology, Meteorology, Mining Geology, etc.

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    Ms. Shuchi K S Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M,Sc Earth science and resource management ,
    Area of Specialisation: Palaeontology, meteorology Oceanography

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    Ms. Ramya D Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M. Sc., in Earth Science and Resource Management,
    Area of Specialisation: Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing.

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    Ms. Kavya C B Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

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    Ms. Shilpa N Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc, K-SET,
    Area of Specialisation: Geochemistry, Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology and Climate Science

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    Ms. Niveditha B Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation: Geomorphology, Remote sensing Application, GIS, Hydrogeology, structural Geology.

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    Ms. Arpitha M Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

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    Mr. Krishna Kumar S Guest Lecturer

    Area of Specialisation:

Research Project of Applied Geology in Kuvempu University

Sl No Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
1 Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Transect Between Gadag-Goa DST 2000000 Completed
2 Structural and Lithological mapping of a part of Geotransect from Sakleshpur to Chitradurga belt using Remote Sensing and GIS DST 2400000 Completed
3 Assessing irrigation performance of Bhadra command area, Karnataka using Remote Sensing and GIS UGC 587000 Completed
4 Decision support system for flood risk assessment and Management in North Karnataka DST NRDMS - - 3500000 Completed
5 National networking project on Health GIS DST-NRDMS - - 1500000 Completed
6 Interactive SDSS for Monitoring Public Health UGC-UKIERI - - 1500000 Completed
1 Remote sensing and GIS applications in wetland mapping-A case study in Bhadravathi taluk, Shimoga District, Karnataka Kuvempu University (UGC- Minor Research project) Dr. Govindaraju Nil 38000 Completed in the year 2008
2 Structural and Lithological mapping of Geotransact from Sakleshpur to the Chitradurga belt using Remote sensing and GIS DST Prof. Syed Ashfaq ahmed Dr. Govindaraju 13 Completed in the year 2012
3 Petrology, Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Studies of Amphibolite-granulite Transition zone around Saklespur, Dharwar Craton-Implication on Crustal Evolution UGC Prof. K S Anantha Murthy Dr. Govindaraju 8 Completed in the year 2013
1 KSET University of Mysore Vice Chancellor Co-ordinator 600 Qualified
Sl No Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
2 Science Dr. Govindaraju Sanith .C 537501497297 Part Time 498 2017-09-14 Characterization of Inland Wetlands In Challakere Taluk In Chitradurga District For Sustainable Development of Surface Water Resources-A Study Using Remote Sensing and GIS 2023-04-23 NO Nil

Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency :

Title Level Year Funding Agency
Remote Sensing and GIS Applications-Refresher Course National 2003 UGC
Earth Resources Management International 2004 1.Kuvempu University
2. HGML, Bangalore
3. DOD, New Delhi &
4. IRSO-Bangalore
Special Lecture Series in ?Earth Science Studies? State Level for PG Students 2007 Karnataka Science & Technology Academy

Future Expansions/Diversification Plans :

01 Expansion of Geochemical lab with most Advanced and high precision analytical facilities
02 Addition of advanced Research Microscope with Fluid Inclusion Stage to the Petrology Research Lab
03 Setting up of modern Sample preparation equipments (Cutting, polishing and grinding) for Geochemical, Petrology & Ore Petrology studies
04 Setting up of Geological Museum
05 Addition of new equipments like Spectroradiometer, Septometer to the Geo-informatics lab
06 Offering crash courses in Geo-informatics & Disaster Management for in-service persons
07 Offering add-on courses in Earth Science studies for post graduate students