RTI  | NIRF  | NAAC 4th Cycle  | NAAC 4th Cycle-SSR 2024  | : 08282- 256301/256307 |
School Of Chemical Science

Department of PG Studies and Research in Chemistry

The department of Chemistry was established in the year 1992. Over the years the department has grown in strength and stature. The department is actively involved in various academic and research programmes in association with Industries, Institutions, Research Organizations and Universities. The faculty members of the department have got major research projects from various funding agencies, like UGC, DST, SERB, etc. Every year the department is conducting campus interview for M.Sc. students by inviting different R & D institutions and pharmaceutical industries. The department has successfully completed DST-FIST Phase-I and Phase- II programme in association with the Industrial Chemistry department. The department has received Rs. 30 lakh under non-SAP programme and Rs. 45 lakh under UGC-SAP DRS programme. Over the years the department has produced more than hundred and fifty Ph.D.'s and more than thousand research papers have been published in reputed National/International journals. At present thirty five research scholars are working for Ph.D. programme and more than hundred students has cleared NET, K-SET and GATE examinations. The department is offering Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to M.Sc. students in addition to semester scheme and it is first of its kind among the entire state universities. The department is engaged in various academic activities like conducting Seminars, Symposia, Conferences and Workshops to provide a platform for Students, Teachers, Scientists and Industrialists to discuss and share their scientific ideas. The department has received the "BEST DEPARTMENT AWARD" from Kuvempu University in the academic year 2009-10 for its outstanding contribution to the academic and research activities. Currently, the research work is being carried out in various fields such as Electrochemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Corrosion & Metal Finishing, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Dyes & Pigments.


Programms Offered

Sl No Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
1 M.Sc., CBCS - Semester Scheme (4 Semesters) B.Sc with Chemistry as one of the subject 45
2 Ph.D Three Years Minimum Masters Degree in Chemistry



Year of Establishment



Department of PG Studies & Research in Chemistry
Kuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA

Teaching Faculty of Chemistry in Kuvempu University

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    Qualification:M.Sc., NET (CSIR-JRF), KSET, Ph.D., ,
    Area of Specialisation: Electrochemistry, Physical Chemistry

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    Qualification:M.Sc., KSET, Ph.D.,
    Area of Specialisation: Organic Chemistry

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    Dr. Talavara Venkatesh Assistant Professor

    Qualification:M.Sc., Ph.D., ,
    Area of Specialisation: Synthetic Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, Energy Materials

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    Dr. Deepak M P Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc, Ph.D, K-SET,
    Area of Specialisation: Physical Chemistry

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    Mr. Paveendra J Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc ,K- SET,
    Area of Specialisation: Organic Chemistry

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    Dr. Thippeswamy D Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc M Phil. K-SET, Ph.D.,
    Area of Specialisation: Chemistry

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    Dr. VINAY M M Guest Lecturer

    Qualification:M.Sc., CSIR-UGC-NET., K-SET., GATE., Ph.D., ,
    Area of Specialisation: Physical chemistry

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    Dr. Yathisha R O Guest Lecturer,

    Qualification:M.Sc, Ph.D.,
    Area of Specialisation: Physical Chemistry

Research Project of Chemistry in Kuvempu University

Sl No Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
1 Comparative studies on Amphibian Diversity and Habitat Ecology in various types of Forests and Agriculture Fields of Malnad Regions of Western Ghats in Karnataka Dept. of Science and Technology - Prof.J Keshavayya 750000 Successfully completed
2 Design and characterization of colon specific pulsatile drug delivery system UGC Prof. J Keshavayya - 850800 Successfully completed
3 Chemical and electrochemical generation of ZnO, CuO, SnO2, TiO2, Fe2O3 and MgO Nanoparticles for degradation of textile dyes from industrial effluents Dept. of Science and Technology - Prof.J Keshavayya 3600000 Successfully completed
4 Tailoring substituted metal phthalocyanines for solar energy harvesting. UGC - Prof.J Keshavayya 809800 Successfully completed
5 "Synthesis, Characterization and Analytical studies on tetra substituted metal phthalocyanine derivatives Kuvempu University Prof.J Keshavayya - 25000 Successfully completed
1 Electrochemical Advanced methods for degradation of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals of Industrial Effluents. UGC, New Delhi NA 1239800 Completed
2 Development of Zn-TiO2 Nano Particles composite Coating for Industrial Applications. DST, New Delhi NA 2567584 Completed
3 Solar Energy Based Electrochemical Recovery of Heavy Metals from Industrial Effluents An Eco-friendly process. UGC, New Delhi Prof. T. V. Venkatesha 603100 Completed
4 Development of new pollution free addition agents for industrial zinc plating by electrochemical method. UGC, New Delhi NA 394000 Completed
5 Optimization of electrodeposition solution by theoretical studies Kuvempu University NA 18000 Completed
6 Development of Industrial zinc electroplating from chloride type bath DST, New Delhi NA 120000 Completed
7 Studies on non cyanide Zinc electroplating bath for plating on carbon steel UGC, New Delhi NA 18500 Completed
1 The Effect of Aldehydes, Amines, & Ketones on Electrodeposition of Zinc from acid baths. Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga / UGC Unassigned Grants Y ARTHOBA NAYAKA NA 15000 Completed
2 Solar energy based electrochemical recovery of heavy metals from industrial effluents-An eco-friendly process University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi 648000 Completed
3 Development of new pollution-free addition agents for industrial zinc plating. University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi 347600 Completed
4 Chemical and Electro- chemical Generation of ZnO, CuO, SnO2, TiO2, Fe2O3 and MgO nano- particles for the degradation of Textile Dyes from Industrial Effluents (Low-cost, Eco-friendly And R DST, New Delhi 3375680 Completed
5 Tailoring of substituted metal phthalocyanines for solar energy harvesting UGC, New Delhi 809800 Completed
6 Generation of metal oxide Nanoparticles for ground Water purification A low- Cost and eco-friendly Method. VTU, Belgaum 1911000 Completed
7 Generation of dye sensitized Transition metal doped semiconductors for efficient solar solar energy harvesting-A- Low-Cost Method SERB (DST), New Delhi 1200000 Completed
8 Two Days National Conference On Exploring Innovative Research and Developments In Chemical Sciences SERB (DST), New Delhi Prof. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA NA 75000 Completed
1 Enumeration and Investigation of Medicinal Plants for Antidiabetic Activity in Western Ghats of Karnataka UGC Dr. Yadav D Bodke -- 707167 Completed
2 Novel Antiviral(HIV) Agents- Base modified nucleosides involving Furan ring system UGC Prof. V P vaidya Dr. Yadav D bodke 1001000 Completed
3 Studies on Synthesis, Characterization and Biological activities of Heterocyclic Compounds Kuvempu University Dr. Yadav D Bodke -- 38000 Completed
1 Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles and Their Electrochemical Studies for Solar Cell Applications UGC-BSR Start-up Grant Research Project, New Delhi Dr. Talavara Venkatesh ------ 10 Submitted
Sl No Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
1 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Chaithra, J 333077864463 Full Time 168 2023-08-11 Development of electroplating bath solutions for the electrodeposition of zinc-nanocomposites for industrial applications 2027-08-10 NO NA
2 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Malashri, B.S. 436920830051 Full Time 17 2022-07-07 Development of Transition Metal based electrocatalysts for Energy Storage Devices 2026-07-06 YES UGC
3 Science Dr. YADAV D. BODKE Amrutha M. 714283896591 Full Time 172 2023-08-11 Synthesis, characterization and biological investigation of some heterocyclic compounds 2027-08-11 NO -
4 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Sahana, H. R. 208785120049 Full Time 18 2022-07-01 Development of electrochemical sensors for the voltammetric investigation of some pesticides 2026-06-30 YES UGC
5 Science Prof. J Keshavayya Vinodkumar Full Time 185 2015-02-18 Synthesis and structural investigations on nitrogen based azo dyes 2019-01-01 YES KU(Sc/ST)
6 Science Dr. YADAV D. BODKE Vinay K. K. 975762520997 Full Time 19 2022-07-07 Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds of Biological importance 2026-07-07 YES CSIR - JRF
7 Science Dr. YADAV D. BODKE Rajesh Acharya Part Time 20 2016-01-01 Synthesis of some novel Heterocyclic compounds as Biological agents 2025-01-01 NO -
8 Science Prof. J Keshavayya Ravi BN Full Time 207 2015-02-18 Synthesis and Characterization on sulphur based azo dyes 2019-01-01 YES UGC (BSR)
9 Science Prof. J Keshavayya Maliyappa. M R Full Time 30 2013-12-31 Synthesis, structural studies and biological investigation of benzothiazole incorporated azo dyes and their metal complexes 2018-06-01 YES UGC (BSR)
10 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Anjan Kumar G C Full Time 472 2017-09-18 Synthesis of Metal Oxides and their Applications 2022-09-18 YES Kuvempu University
11 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Bhavyasree A B Full Time 486 2018-01-11 A Study of applications of perovskite and metal oxide nanoparticles 2023-01-11 NO No
12 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Aishwarya, K.G. 925283225488 Full Time 50 2022-07-28 Development of modified electrodes for voltammetric investigation of heavy metal ions and biologically important electroactive molecules 2026-07-27 NO NA
13 Science Dr. YADAV D. BODKE Karunasagar K. O. 397365209013 Full Time 53 2022-07-28 Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Some Oxygen containing heterocyclic Compounds 2026-07-28 YES NFST
14 Science Dr. Talavara Venkatesh Ms. Sukanya S.H (231076997881) Full Time 604 2019-05-15 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms 2022-10-21 YES State OBC Cell (Vidyasiri)
15 Science Dr. Talavara Venkatesh Ms. Priya Rani R.S (676140959344) Full Time 605 2019-05-15 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel Pyrazol-Pyrimidine derivatives 2022-12-30 YES SC/ST Kuvempu University
16 Science Dr. Talavara Venkatesh Mr. Upendranath K (406836232573) Full Time 606 2019-05-15 Synthesis, Characterization and applications of Some Novel Nitrogen Heterocyclic compounds 2022-10-28 YES SC/ST Kuvempu University
17 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Pradeepa, E. 899759675625 Full Time 634 2020-01-28 Development of modified electrodes for voltammetric investigation of some bioactive compounds 2025-01-28 YES UGC
18 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Gireeshkumar, B.C. 570246611848 Full Time 860 2021-09-03 Carbon Based Materials for Energy Storage Devices 2025-09-02 NO NA
19 Science Dr. Y. ARTHOBA NAYAKA Sharath Kumar, B. 358549601217 Full Time 861 2021-09-03 Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical applications 2025-09-02 YES UGC
20 Science Prof. J Keshavayya Mallikarjuna NM Full Time CHE 208 2015-02-18 Synthesis and structural studies on azo dyes and their metal complexes 2019-06-01 YES KU (GM)
21 Science Prof. J Keshavayya Mr. Prashanth. A. G Part Time CHE 557 2010-01-06 Synthesis and studies on Nitrogen containing heterocyclic azo dyes and their metal complexes 2018-01-01 NO -
22 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Naveen Kumar T Part Time CHE:07/13-10-2012 2012-10-13 Kinetic and Mechanistic studies of few biologically important Drug molecules by electroanalytical techniques. 2018-10-13 NO 0
23 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Deepa K Full Time CHE:203/18-02-2015 2015-02-18 Synthesis of nano/micro structured metal oxides and development of corrosion resistant coatings 2020-02-18 YES UGC-BSR
24 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Vinutha M R Full Time CHE:25/31-12-2013 2013-12-31 Application of zinc electroplating bath brighteners and surfactants as corrosion inhibitors for steel 2018-12-31 YES UGC-BSR
25 Science Prof. T.V. Venkatesha Nagaraja C Full Time CHE:34/31-12-2013 2013-12-31 Electrochemical derivatisation of biologically active organic compounds and their electrochemical behavior using modified electrodes. 2018-12-31 YES UGC-BSR

Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency:

Title Level Year Funding Agency
Chemistry for Changing Times National 2002 University
Frontier Areas in Chemistry National 2003 University
Senario of Research and Business Opportunities in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in 21st Century National 2003 University and NMPB, MPA
Recent Advances in Electrochemical and Surface Sciences for Industry and Society National 2004 University and UGC
Emerging Areas in chemical and biological Sciences National 2007 CSIR-DBT, AICTE and University
Recent Advance in Chemical Science Research National 2015 -

Future Expansions/Diversification Plans :

01 It is proposed to write projects for funding agencies for financial assistance.
02 To start P. G. Courses in Analytical chemistry and Nano Technology
03 To have extension lecture series in common important topic?s in rural languages.

Activities :

01 It is proposed to write projects for funding agencies for financial assistance.
02 To start P. G. Courses in Analytical chemistry and Nano Technology
03 To have extension lecture series in common important topic?s in rural languages.

Placements :


Many students got placements through campus interview